about trademark registration

  • Trademark

What are the Steps and Costs Involved in Registering a Trademark in India?

A trademark allows you to prevent others from using your company as a prop and protects your brand. A trademark…

2 years ago
  • Trademark

What Documents do I Need to Register My Trademark in India

An Overview of Trademark A trademark gives a brand name to the products and services associated with the same business.…

2 years ago
  • Trademark

Classification of Trademarks in India for Products and Services

Trademarks for products and services can be categorized into a number of categories. Depending on the course, different registration requirements…

2 years ago
  • Trademark

Trademark क्या है और कैसे किया जाता है इसका Registration ?

दोस्तों , हम सभी ने अक्सर ट्रेडमार्क का नाम सुना होगा। ट्रेडमार्क की याद हमें तब आती है , जब…

2 years ago
  • Trademark

Types of Trademarks Registered in India

Trademarks are pieces of intellectual property that include names, words, signs, and expressions that set one company or brand apart…

2 years ago
  • Trademark

Importance of Trademark Registration

Trademark registration: what is its importance? A trademark is a type of intellectual property that consists of a recognizable sign,…

2 years ago