
OBC certificate: Tamil Nadu caste certificate and the application procedure

Caste certificate

A Caste certificate is basically a proof of one’s belonging to a particular caste, especially when one belongs to any of the ‘Scheduled Castes’ or “Other backward classes”, as specified in the Indian Constitution. It is also known as a community certificate. In Tamil Nadu, the issuance system of permanent caste/community certificate was initiated in the year of 1988. It is used to provide certain privileges to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in order to bring equality among all the citizens. As such, caste certificate is compulsory to receive such benefits for a person belonging to a scheduled caste or Scheduled Tribe Community. In this article, we will discuss the OBC certificate in detail.

Read more for Karnataka Cast Certificate 

When do you need an OBC Certificate?

  1. School admissions
  2. College admissions
  3. Competitive examinations
  4. Scholarships
  5. Employment in the reserved category
  6. Government subsidies
  7. Housing and self-employment schemes
  8. Allotment of house sites
  9. Assignment (grant) of land
  10. Election (as a candidate)

Documents Required for OBC Certificate

Following are the documents required for applying online OBC certificate:

  • Completed application form
  • Ration card copy
  • School leaving certificate/ transfer certificate
  • Caste certificates or school certificates of parents

Online Application Procedure for getting OBC certificate

Following are the procedure for the application of OBC certificate:


Go to the E-Sevai web portal using the link: https://www.tnesevai.tn.gov.in/


Now, click on the button ‘Citizen Login’ and enter the correct login username and password.


Then, enter the Captcha code and click on the ‘Login’ button.


As soon as the E-Sevai dashboard appears, instantly click on ‘Services’ option on the left-hand side of the screen.


A list will appear as per the departmental services. Now, select the ‘Revenue Department’ option.


Then, click the ‘REV-115 Other Backward Classes (OBC) Certificate’ link. You will be automatically be redirected to the service page on the Tamil Nadu e-District Web Portal.


If you want to continue then click on the ‘Proceed’ button.


The Applicant Search form will be open. Given below are the details of the applicant should be filled in order to perform the search:

  • CAN number
  • Name
  • Father Name
  • Mobile Number
  • Email Id
  • Date of Birth

Important Note: It is compulsory to have CAN number for applying OBC Caste Certificate. If you are not having CAN number then you can follow the following step for CAN number registration and then apply for OBC Certificate.


For CAN registration, click on the button ‘Register CAN’, fill the required details on the form and click on the ‘Register’ button to submit the CAN form.

STEP 10.

If you have already registered for CAN, then your details will appear in the search results. You can click the ‘Option’ button to select the record and click on ‘Proceed’.

STEP 11.

Your CAN details can be edited by selecting the ‘Edit CAN details’. You can go for the next step if the information is all correct.

STEP 12.

Your details will appear and pre-filled in the form, which is not editable. Now, accept the “Declarations” if all the details are correct and then click on “Submit”.

STEP 13.

Next, attach the required documents in the prescribed file size and file type.

STEP 14.

Afterward, the payments page will open, revealing the total fees on the screen. Then, choose on ‘Confirm Payment’ and finally click on ‘Print Receipt’ to download or print the receipt.

STEP 15.

In the end, click on the ‘Submit’ button to submit the application, which will then be saved as a draft. Apart from this, you can view this under the “Saved Application’ section and the current status can be checked using the ‘Check Status’ section.

Online Application Procedure for getting ST/SC/BC certificate

Follow the given steps:


Go to the official website of the Government of Tamil Nadu using the link: http://www.tn.gov.in/


Choose on the link ‘more’ under forms section on the webpage and then search for ‘community certificate’ on the search bar at the upper right corner in the given screenshot.


Now, you will reach to the given page. Click on the top option “APPLICATION FORM FOR COMMUNITY CERTIFICATE 1“.


The application form will appear in PDF form. Download it and fill the following information correctly:

  1. Applicant’s name
  2. Father/ Husband’s name
  3. Sex (Female/Male)
  4. Residential Address
  5. Ration card number
  6. Details of community certificate of parents
  7. Details of school certificates of parents
  8. Date of application

Given below is a sample form:


Once, the information is filled, you have to sign the form and attach the required documents to it.


The completed and signed form, along with the documents, should be submitted to the respective revenue talk office.

The application submitted will be processed and if it is successful, the Community Certificate will be obtained within a period of 30 days.

You can visit our website: LegalRaasta for more information regarding the Birth certificate, Marriage certificate or more. Our experts are available here to provide you with the best Legal advice and compliances. So, call us at 8750008585 and send your query on Email: contact@legalraasta.com

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