How To Get EPR Certification or License in India?

How to get epr certification? The EPR Certificate is required for Indian manufacturers or imported products for the management of e-waste. CPCB, or the Central Pollution Control Board, of the MoEFCC, Government of India, grants EPR authorization.

An Overview of Policies Regarding Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP):

Producer of In India Extended Responsibility was established for handling plastic and electronic waste. Extended Producer highlights:

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  1. According to the environmental policy, the Producer must manage the product's waste and lessen its environmental impact during its whole life cycle.
  2. The 2016 Central Pollution Control Board has been mandated to award, renew, or refuse permits under Rule 13 (1) (Management) Rules. Authorization to Producers for Extended Producers Responsibilities (EPR).
  3. The Central Pollution Control Board has issued guidelines for the implementation of EPR, including detailed instructions for producers and other stakeholders regarding authorization, channelization, collection, storing, transporting environmentally friendly dismantling, recycling, and refurbishment under extended producer responsibility (EPR).

What is EPR registration?

EPR, or Extended Producer Responsibility, requires package recycling from producers and sellers. The maker or seller must submit recurring reports on the quantity of packaging used to comply with the regulations. Additionally, to agree (purchase a license) with a recycler.

What is epr licence & certification?

The EPR authorization grants epr licence & certification to the producers and importers of electrical products and equipment. They now should employ ecologically appropriate E-waste management measures. Almost all importers and producers are required to acquire EPR certification. The CPCB department has primarily required EPR Registration for the following two kinds of electronic products:

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  • Information Technology and Telecommunication Equipment
  • Consumer Electricals and Electronics

In the following paragraphs, we will learn how to get epr certification.

Type of EPR Authorization to get epr licence

EPR In E-Waste Management

The management of e-waste and its handling following an item's end of life is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the electrical or electronic equipment. According to environmental policy, the producer must manage the product's waste throughout its entire life cycle, reduce environmental effects, and manage the product itself. The CPCB has guided how to implement E-Waste, including authorization, channelization, collection, storage, and transportation as well as ecologically responsible disassembly, recycling, and refurbishment.

EPR In Plastic Waste Management

Extended Producer Responsibility, as defined by the Plastic Waste Management Rules of 2016, is the producer's obligation to manage a product in an environmentally sound manner up until the end of its useful life. The implementation of a take-back program, and the establishment of collection centers, dismantlers, or recyclers, either individually or collectively through a Producer Responsibility Organization recognized by the producer, are all examples of extended producer responsibility.

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How to get epr certification advantages?

  1. Reduce the need for other garbage disposal techniques like burning or burying.
  2. EPR reduces the financial and physical burden on local governments for waste management.
  3. Ensures proper product refurbishment and recycling.
  4. Enhances the ease and speed of misrepresenting products.
  5. Encourages protection of natural resources.
  6. Reduce the amount of garbage produced.

With these advantages, EPR is beneficial for the entire country of India and should not just be considered as something that must be done to get an EPR certification or to look for an EPR Certificate For Rubber/Waste Tyres.

Additionally, as previously said, if you are searching for an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Certificate for rubber or waste tires, we would like to remind you that you do not require one unless you deal in plastic and e-waste.

Who must have epr licence?

Every producer, brand owner, recycler, and manufacturer of plastic must register with the relevant State Pollution Control Board or the Union Territory Pollution Control Committee. Every trash producer, local organization, Gram Panchayat, manufacturer, importer, and producer of plastic or e-waste Materials is subject to the Plastic Trash Management rules. However, in addition to highlighting who requires an EPR authorization, it is essential to comprehend the obligations of producers, importers, and brand owners, as described below.

  1. The producers are required to develop the waste collection system's modalities within 6 months of the rules' publication date, taking into account Extended Producers Responsibility and State Urban Development Departments. They may do this individually or collectively, through their own distribution channels or by working with the relevant local body.
  2. Any producer that supplies trash used as a raw material to make carry bags, plastic sheets, covers made of plastic sheets, or multi-layered packaging, including e-waste, must preserve a record of the identity of each individual who supplied the garbage.
  3. Now that we are aware of who needs an EPR and what producers, importers, and brand owners are responsible for, it is time to discuss the EPR authorization procedure.

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Which documents are required for EPR registration?

  1. EPR Plan: Create plans according to CPCB or SPCB guidelines, encompassing reuse, buyback, and recycling programs.
  2. Declaration: Ensure compliance with guideline provisions, including ROHS. Confirm product adherence to ROHS limits.
  3. Technical documentation should include supplier declarations, material analytical reports, and a ROHS certificate.
  4. Agreements: Include contracts with recycling agencies, TSDFs, and dismantlers. Other essential documents.
  • Proof of legal address
  • PAN card
  • GST document for manufacturing unit address
  • Certificates from registrars, directorates, municipal corporation
  • IEC copy for importers Authorized person details: Include Name, Email ID, Aadhaar Card, and PAN Card of the signatory. Attach awareness plans, methodology, product details, and EPR budget.

How to get epr certification and detailed steps for it?

The following steps will explain how to get epr certification:

Know Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and its Importance:

Introduce yourself to the idea of EPR and its significance in the management of electronic waste. Recognize how managing the end-of-life disposal of your products becomes your duty when you use EPR. Identify the effects that products have on the environment and the necessity of ethical waste management techniques.

Research EPR Registration and Criteria:

Carry out research to learn about the particular EPR legislation and requirements for items in your area or nation. Learn about your obligations, including collection goals, recycling requirements, reporting requirements, and registration requirements. Keep informed of any modifications or changes to the regulatory framework.

Determine the Relevant EPR Authority

Find the appropriate EPR authority in charge of managing the product registration procedure in your jurisdiction. To get the necessary information and instructions on the registration process, go to their website or get in touch with them directly. Recognize their obligations to uphold EPR laws and their standards of behavior.

Compile the necessary records and data:

Gather all the information and papers needed for the registration process. Compile information on the product's maker, model, production volume, and any other pertinent information. Prepare supporting documentation, such as evidence of adherence to product specifications and safety regulations.

Fill out the Registration Form:

Thoroughly complete the registration form as per the instructions of the EPR authority. Furnish accurate and comprehensive details that meet their requirements. Ensure all necessary documents are attached and formatted correctly.

Submit the Registration Form

Send the registration form, along with any necessary supporting documentation, to the appropriate EPR authority CPCB. Respect the deadline for submission and submit through the approved channel, such as an internet portal, email, or postal mail. For your records, keep a copy of the submitted documents. After receiving the application, the CPCB will review it; if additional information is needed, it will be provided; and finally, the CPCB will issue an EPR Certificate.

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Compliance and Reporting involves

Following State Pollution Control Board/Pollution Control Committee approval for E-Waste Recycling, recyclers are required to adhere to several requirements, including Recyclers are required to provide a copy of the destruction certificate issued to recyclers. Complete Form 6 relating to the E-Waste Manifest. Fill out Form 2 with information on the handling, disassembly, and recycling of electronic waste.

Under the 2016 Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, authorization is required for the disposal of hazardous and other wastes. Additionally, recyclers must submit annual returns in Form 3 to the relevant State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee.

Renewal Procedure for EPR Authorization

The validity of the EPR certificate extends for a duration of 5 years, and once this period concludes, renewal becomes necessary. The process for renewing the EPR certificate involves the following steps:

  1. Submit an application for renewal using Form-1 within 60 days of the expiration date.
  2. The renewal request will be assessed based on the compliance report issued by the relevant state pollution control board or pollution control committees.
  3. Approval for renewal will be granted in cases where no violations of the authorization's terms and conditions have occurred.
  4. These terms and conditions are documented and maintained within a register managed by the state pollution control board.

How long will the process take to obtain an EPR certificate?

According to E-Waste regulations, CPCB is obligated to grant EPR authorization within 120 days upon receiving a complete application. In cases of incomplete applications, CPCB may respond within 25 days by providing a checklist for necessary additions.

Conclusion -

With EPR certification, the registered entity would be allowed to conduct business anywhere in the nation, even if they are operating in many states, without having to worry about waste management in various regions of the nation. How to get epr certification? steps are complex take professional assistance.

An experienced professional, Sakshi Sachdeva has been instrumental in propelling Legal Raasta's content creation efforts. Her career path has been varied, with notable stops in the textile, telecom, transportation, and communication sectors. She holds an MCA and an MSc in software degree.

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