What is a Provisional Patent & its advantages

A provisional patent application is a preparatory stride, before documenting of a regular patent, for getting a sort of between interim protection. One can file an application for a provisional patent registration in India with no formal patent cases. The alternative is made to furnish investors with an economical approach to briefly secure their innovations until they choose to seek after a full patent.

A provisional patent application has a twelve month pendency period from the date of recording after which the innovator needs to document an entire particular to advantage the documenting date of the temporary application. On the off chance that the total detail is not recorded in a year, the temporary patent application is viewed as relinquished.

A provisional application is filed to hold the idea behind the development until the inventor has the money and/or time to document a general application. On the off chance that an ordinary patent application is recorded before the 12-month expiration of the provisional, then the fundamental application will get the prior provisional documenting date. In the event that a non-provisional application asserting the development revealed in the temporary is never recorded, the creation will, in the long run, get to be non-patentable.

Advantages of an application for provisional patent:

  • The preliminary process is faster and the cost is low

The provisional application form for patent documenting charge is a less costly than a patent application that is non-provisional. Additionally, the specialized necessities are rearranged. This implies it requires you less investment and time to get ready and document a Provisional Application.

  • You can use “Patent Pending” notice

Even though the provisional patent is not really a patent and it won’t be changed over to a complete patent application unless you make additional steps… You legitimately can compose “Patent Pending” for your innovation. (prototype of product) up on documenting provisional patent, you have secured the priority date as its recording date, so you require not stress over secrecy when advertising or unveiling your invention (prototype of product).

  • Time to give creation a chance to advance –

Documenting an entire patent application at early phase of the innovation may not get you fullest capability of development, recording provisional application secures your priority date (That is you now qualified to have priority date as provisional application documenting date despite the fact that you are not prepared with finish creation/finish patent application yet; Provided the extent of the complete patent application recorded later stays same) and gives you enough time to take a shot at your innovation without limitations conceivable potential.

  • Extending the patent term

A patent goes on for 20 years, measured from the date a full patent application is documented. By first recording a provisional application, which is substantial for 12 months, you can successfully get 21 years of security, starting with your temporary documenting date.

  • Privacy

A Provisional Application for Patent does not bargain the secrecy of your application since there is no publication of the provisional applications.