Board Resolution for Resignation of Director

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Procedure for Board Resolution for Resignation of Director

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Board Resolution for Resignation of Director

There are a minimum of two directors and a maximum of seven directors in all private limited companies. The company's first directors are appointed at the time of registration, and additional directors can be added later with the approval of existing directors at a general meeting. This board resolution was written to notify the company's director of his resignation. Board Resolution for Resignation of Director is done by LegalRaasta and we also provide you Board Resolution for Resignation of Director Format for the same.

Process for Board Resolution for Resignation of Director

1. Notice of Resignation

The resigning director must deliver to the company a letter of resignation referring to the reasons for such resignation as well as the beneficial date for which you require Board Resolution for Resignation of Director.

2. Call a Board Meeting

After receiving the letter, call a board meeting to enact the provided statement of the director's resignation and approve a director to document the recovery with the Registrar of Companies (ROC).

3. Filing of the Company's Return of Resignation with the Registrar of Companies

Within 30 days of concession, a return of resignation of directorship in form DIR-12 is expected to be documented with the registrar, along with a document of board resolution and a resignation letter to manage. Once the form DIR-12 is submitted to the ROC, the circumstances of the departing director will be removed from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) portal for the respective company.

4. Filing of a Return of Resignation with the Registrar of Companies by the director himself

The resigning director may file his resignation willingly to the ROC in form DIR 12 form along with the explanations for resignation within 30 days from the date of submission, which is done by Board Resolution for Resignation of Director Format, which can be done easily by Legalraasta.

The Benefit of Board Resolution for Resignation of Director

This board resolution is used for the resignation of the director of the company and we provide the Board Resolution for Resignation of Director Format so that it will easily help in the resignation of the director.

Agreement of Board Resolution for Director Resignation

It is always printed on the company letterhead with all the details and is being drafted here on LegalRaasta. You can take the help of experts without any hesitation for Board Resolution for Resignation of Director.

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