Legal Raasta is a corporation that specializes in providing comprehensive trademark registration services in Karnataka. A trademark is a mark or symbol used to set one product or service apart from another. It could be a word, a phrase, a color combination, the product's shape, or a three-dimensional image. A certain brand can be identified and the target audience's confidence can be built through trademark registration in Maharashtra. Individuals and businesses in India can register their trademarks, whether they are registered or not. A trademark may be registered under an individual's name or an organization's name. Furthermore, two or more individuals can apply for a trademark in Maharashtra without the need for a corporation.
When submitting a trademark application to the Trademark Registry, the applicant must grant a Trademark Agent authorization through a Declaration of Lawyer. After submitting the application to the Trademark Registry, the trademark agent in Maharashtra gets the acknowledgement. All interactions and discussions about the TM registration procedure will be sent to the trademark agent in Maharashtra.
A trademark may be registered in Maharashtra under an individual's name or an organization's name. Furthermore, two or more individuals can apply for a trademark in Maharashtra without the need for a corporation.
Trademark registrations safeguard unique trademarks, slogans, or original concepts. In India, applications for trademark registration are accepted from individuals, businesses, and nonprofit organizations. However, there are specific requirements for each type of people or corporation when filing a trademark application. The following entities are eligible for trademark registration in India.
An individual (Person) can file an application to trademark and obtain trademark registration using a symbol or word that they intended to use while engaging in any business activity.
Application for a trademark may be made jointly by firm owners, and both owners' names have to appear on the application.
A proprietorship company is allowed to file a trademark application on the name of its owner, not the company or proprietorship.
When applying for a trademark in Maharashtra, a partnership with no more than ten members must include the names of all partners. The guardian acting on behalf of a minor partner must be named if they are present.
In this case, the Limited Liability Partnership's name should be used to file the application. Each of the corporation's partners has an own identity. The LLP owns the trademark; hence the partners are not eligible to apply.
Any Indian business, regardless of legal structure—private limited, limited, or otherwise—must submit an application for a trademark under its name. It should be mentioned that a company's director cannot simultaneously be an applicant for a trademark, since each incorporated corporation has its own identity.
It is mandatory for a foreign-incorporated company to register a trademark in India using the name that is already registered outside. It is critical to specify the type of registration, the country from which it originated, and the applicable law.
An application for a trademark filed on behalf of a trust or society must specify the governing trustee, chairperson, or secretary.
LegalRaasta was founded on the principle that sophisticated legal and taxation services should be simple, modern, and inexpensive. We can serve our clients more efficiently thanks to cutting-edge practise technology.
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