Change Company Name

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Procedure for Change Company Name

You Must Complete Our Short Questionnaire with Your Information and Upload Necessary Papers

Documents will be Drafted by Our Experts for a Change of Company Name in Just 12 WORKING DAYS

Between 20 to 25 WORKING DAYS, we will send your Documents & DSCs once your Company Name is Changed to you through courier

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What is Company Name Change?

When the company has been incorporated, its name may be altered. Whenever there is a change in the company's operations, ownership, management, etc., the name may be changed. The company's continued status as a corporate entity will be unaffected by the name change. With the consent of shareholders at the annual general meeting and by submitting the proper paperwork to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, a corporation may change company name.Its Private Company name change is done by LegalRaasta.

Document Required for Company Name Change

Company Incorporation Certificate
Suggested New Names for the Company
List of the Company’s Director(s) and Shareholders
Digital Signature of the Director(s)MOA & AOA statement
Company’s MOA & AOA statement

Process for Change Company Name

1. A board meeting should be scheduled to debate the company name change with various Boards of Directors (BODs) and to adopt a special resolution. An EGM (extraordinary general meeting) should also be summoned.

2. Once the BODs have approved the change in the company name, a request to reserve a new name is made to the ROC via the RUN (also known as Reserve Unique Name) application facility, together with a copy of the board resolution and the trademark owner's NOC.

3. The proposed name must be distinct from the current company name.

4. The firm must hold an EGM to pass the special resolution to alter the company name, AOA, and MOA after gaining MCA permission for the company name change.

5. After 30 days of the resolution's passage, a special resolution along with the form MGT-14, any necessary papers, and the required fees must be filed with the company's registrar.

6. Upon the completion of MGT-14, the firm is required to file INC-24 and request the SRN of INC-1 in INC-24. Also, remember to include a copy of the minutes from the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.

7. Do provide some basic information along with the reasons for changing the company name.

8. If the RoC is pleased with the applicant's documentation, it will issue the applicant a new incorporation certificate.

9. After obtaining the RoC's certificate of incorporation, the new firm must navigate to its charter documents, the AOA and MOA.

What Is Included In Our Package?

Document Preparation for Change Company Name
Preparation of E-forms
Alteration of MOA & AOA
ROC Fees

Why Choose Legal Raasta

30+ Offices in India
10+ Years Experience
Economical and Fast
Money Back Guarantee


Frequently Asked Questions

No, a name change won't result in the creation of a new entity.

The company's name must adhere to the 2014 Companies Incorporation Regulations.

The Company's name will go into effect on the day the Certificate is issued.

The insertion and deletion of the word "Private" both require CG approval.

After the general meeting passes the resolutions, ROC must be notified within 30 days.

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