How to claim Social media Trademark

 Which Social Media Platform are you using?

Have you protected your brand on social media? If not, look around the web and there you will find everyone from supermarkets to manufacturers successfully implementing social media strategies. Besides, the benefits of the Trademark registration insists the companies to immediately claim brand trademarks on social media, regardless of whether they have immediate plans to utilize the platforms or not. The marketing department of a company might not be much relying on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn in today's scenario but soon they will be in the future. This article is based on How to claim Social media Trademark after Trademark registration online. For further more information about Documents for Trademark Registration or more follow our blog.

How to claim Social media Trademark?

No wonder, the businessman who never dreamt of creating a Social media Trademark account in the past are now doing so at rapid speed. With the growing popularity of social media, it becomes more important to advertise as well as create a trademark over it to flourish your business at a massive level. To create your business own identity which can establish a goodwill of it is the trend of the current regime. Companies increasingly will find that social networking influences their revenue and sales as the number of social media users worldwide continues to grow. To prevent unauthorized parties from ever claiming a trademark on social media is much easier than the process of recovering lost trademark handles. It will be better if you get trademark registration first. Given below some points that will enlighten you to know How to claim Social media Trademark:
  1. Twitter

Twitter is not only an amazing marketing tool but it is an effective customer service tool as well. Mostly, savvy customers have come to realize there is no faster way to get an issue resolved than airing their dirty laundry in 280 characters or less.

How to Claim Your Trademark on Twitter

Following are the steps through which you can claim your trademark on twitter:
  1. Visit and click the "Sign Up" button.
  2. The will obviously guide you through the process of setting up your account.
  3. Confirm your new account via the confirmation message you will receive in your Inbox.
  4. Then click on "Profile and Settings" option in the upper-right corner and select "View Profile."
  5. Click the "Edit Profile" button on the right.
  6. Then you can customize your company bio, website URL, profile photo and header photo.
Some important tips:
  • Never leave the photo fields blank. It not only gives the appearance you are illegitimate but it will also slap you with one of those generic eggheads.
  • Always portray the best way to contact someone in the bio even if it is not Twitter itself.

Trademark Infringement on Twitter

  • Usage of another trademark in a manner that may mislead or confuse others about your brand affiliation may be a violation of Twiter's trademark policy.
  • You can report on the website support form if find someone squatting on your mark.
  • If the Twitter find the reported account holder in violation then they will either suspend the account or give the user an opportunity to comply before the suspension.
  • Reference of another trademark is automatically a violation of Twitter's trademark policy.
Want to read more about the consequences of trademark infringement, following are the further information about How to claim Social media Trademark.

        2. Facebook

The chances of a customer searching for your company within the medium are higher on facebook as there are over 2.23 billion monthly active Facebook users for Q2 2018 and out of this around 11%  increase year over year. (Source: Facebook 07/25/18) When it comes to Facebook, the companies make a lot of mistakes. Often the mistakes come either from a lack of strategy or a lack of attention. Peruse company pages and you will find hundreds of "ghost town profiles" that have not been updated in ages. In such circumstances, if you do not plan on regularly checking your page, create a "pinned post" at the top of the page letting visitors know the best way to contact you. Moreover, several trademark advantages make the company go through the process of Facebook marketing as well.

How to Claim Your Name on Facebook

Following are the steps to claim your brand on Facebook:
  1. Visit and follow the steps to sign-up.
  2. Choose your official page URL.
  3. Complete your profile's “About Us” description
  4. Select a Profile Picture (180 x 180 pixels will be the most suitable).
  5. Choose a Cover Photo.
  6. Click on "Settings" in the top option. On the left side, a vertical navigation bar will appear.
  7. Select Page Info for the addition of contact information and business details.
  8. Then you can select Page Roles to assign administrative access to other team members.

Some important tips

  • If you are not planning on actively using Facebook right away but just want to save the name then pin a post letting visitors know your plans, along with the best way to contact you.
  • You should choose bold and beautiful images that dictate a brand promise for your cover photos.

Trademark Infringement on Facebook

  • Facebook recognizes trademark infringement violations to occur especially when a trademark owner’s trademark is being used without permission on the site that person’s use is in commerce and whose use is likely to confuse consumers about the source, endorsement or affiliation of the person’s goods or services.
  • You can report infringement violations through Facebook's online form or by email also.
  • The platform will ultimately remove content that is clearly in violation, before providing the user with your contact information and details of your report.
  • Facebook specifically emphasizes that they are not in a position to adjudicate disputes between third parties.

      3. Pinterest

It is although not as popular with companies as Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest is quickly gaining traction as a hidden goldmine of potential. The visually-based platform has a unique demographic and the majority of its more than 100 million active users are women. This strong social media platform helps you to find everything from art to technology on Pinterest. This platform has a reputation for DIY craft projects, recipes, fashion, home decor, and health. Following are the steps to guide you to claim your brand name after Trademark registration in India.

How to Claim Your Trademark on Pinterest

  1. Visit the sign in page for creating business accounts.
  2. Then enter your email address along with the password, name of your business, your website name, and type of business on the form.
  3. Click on "Settings" and select "Edit Profile."
  4. Upload a profile picture, create a custom username and write a summary of what you do and who you serve. Make sure that you have to list your location as well with a website address, and contact information.
Some important tips
  • Pinterest does not allow a lot of profile customization, unlike other social networks. Moreover, it is doubtful many visitors check profiles on the site because it is really about the images. You can choose a clear image of your company logo for the image of the profile.

Trademark Infringement on Pinterest

  • Any content that misleads others or violates another's trademark whether it is an account with username or Pinboard name may be updated, transferred or permanently suspended.
  • You can file the form if your trademark Filing is violated through email: [email protected]
  • You can also read more about Pinterest's copyright policies.
Read more for different types of Trademark infringement

 4. LinkedIn

Yes, there is a reason so many companies specifically B2Bs focus their social media efforts on LinkedIn. Through this, you can connect to the professional world at a massive level. Before finding LinkedIn accounted for nearly two-thirds of all social networks referrals to corporate home pages.

How to Claim Your Trademark on LinkedIn

Following are the steps that show how to claim your trademark on LinkedIn after trademark registration process:
  1. Go to Sign-in page and click on "Interests" at the top of the LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Select "Companies."
  3. Select "Create" in the “Create a Company Page” box on the right.
  4. Then enter your company’s official name and your work email address.
  5. Click "Continue" and enter your company information regarding specialties, main products along with the services which are being provided and what makes your company special.
  6. Upload a Logo and Banner Image.
  7. Create an attractive background image or recycle the one you used for your Facebook Header.

Some important tips:

  • You should create showcase pages for individual products. It is an extension of your company page and is used for highlighting various brands and product lines. This amazing feature allows the page managers to customize messages for different audience segments.
  • Take your time properly to create a compelling background image that either showcases your headquarters or your customers and mention awards garnered and media coverage.

Trademark Infringement on LinkedIn

  • This well known social media platform called LinkedIn takes trademark violation accusations very seriously reminding users to only report violations in good faith.

      5. YouTube

Youtube is considered the third most visited site in the world as it reaches more 18-49 years old than any other cable network. It will not be exaggerating the things if we say that there are numerous companies who use this platform as a marketing tool. The youtube account needs to be directly tied to a Google+ account. It recommends the companies to use business-specific email addresses for this. If in case your company does not have a G+ account then you can learn how to create that one.

How to Claim Your Trademark on YouTube

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in through your Gmail address.
  3. Go to your profile icon in the top-right corner.
  4. Then click on the wheel icon beside Creator studio.
  5. Click on the Create new channel option.
  6. You can give a name to your channel after the trademark and select the category that describes your business the best.
  7. Insert a profile image that clearly describes what you do and who you serve.
Some important tips:
  • You should change your appearance settings and background color to match your company colors.
  • You should also consider the upgrading your youtube account to a Branded channel that allows for more advanced design options and a personalized URL which solidifies your trademark ownership on Youtube.

Trademark Infringement on YouTube

  • Youtube policies restricted the videos as well as channels that infringe on trademark registration. This simply means, if you spot another YouTuber using video content that uses your mark, in a way likely to cause confusion, you are within your rights to contact youtube.
  • Although youtube does not provide a system for reporting infringement violations and the platform strongly encourages YouTubers to mediate issues themselves for faster results.
  • Trademark owners are allowed to directly contact users through Youtube's private messaging feature.

     6. Instagram

Usually, the companies use this social media platform at least level. Mostly, the large companies have a decent understanding of how they can benefit from the aforementioned social platforms, very few really get the popular photo-sharing network. However, around 600 million active users in December 2016, reserving your trademark is worthwhile. It is a strong app, you need a smartphone to use it.

How to Claim Your Trademark on Instagram

  1. Download Instagram from the play store.
  2. Open the application, and create an account using a community work email address
  3. You can insert your trademark name when prompted to create a username.
  4. Tap on the +Photo button and upload your brand's logo.
  5. Next, it will ask you to enter your full name and phone number. You can use your name for this purpose but make sure that the phone number contacts are most likely to associate with the business.
  6. Skip the prompt to find people to follow.
  7. Select the Profile icon on the bottom-right, and then tap "Edit Profile."
  8. Now you can fill out the bio and insert your company URL.

Trademark Infringement on Instagram

  • You may submit the online form in case of trademark infringement.
  • Like other social platforms, Instagram gives preference to its users try and resolve claims on their own.

Hurry up to claim your Brand Name

Most of the cases resolved early or are settled through the aforementioned dispute resolution mechanisms. The case law is slim that is pertaining to trademark infringement on social networking sites. Therefore, this is all about How to claim Social media Trademark. So, hurry up do not delay now! As soon as are done with the brand name decision, go ahead and register those social profiles but before that don't forget trademark filing. It will help you to save time a lot and heartache moving forward. You can also use our Trademark search to prevent from trademark infringement. Give us a call at 8750008585 and send your query on Email: [email protected]. Our experts are available here to provide you with the best advice regarding the protection of your business branding and the process of trademark registration in India. Visit our website: Legalraasta for other services.
Related Articles: How can you oppose a trademark application infringing your trademark? What can or can't be trademarked? How to check Trademark Filing Status?
"Perform a free Trademark Search before applying for it."
An experienced professional, Sakshi Sachdeva has been instrumental in propelling Legal Raasta's content creation efforts. Her career path has been varied, with notable stops in the textile, telecom, transportation, and communication sectors. She holds an MCA and an MSc in software degree.

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